2nd International Conference on Agricultural and Rural Development in Southeast Asia

Strengthening Resilience, Equity and Integration in ASEAN Food and Agriculture Systems
12-13 November 2014 • Makati Shangri-La, Manila, Philippines

Dr. Cely S. Binoya

binoyaProfessor and Dean
Graduate School
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture


Cely S. Binoya is the President of the Asia Pacific Association of Educators in Agriculture and Environment (APEAEN) for 2012–2014. She earned her PhD in Extension Education from UPLB in 1992. She took a post-doctorate online course in DRRM and Climate Change at the Earthquake and Megacities – Worldbank Institute in 2010. She is Professor and Dean of the Graduate School at Central Bicol State University of Agriculture. Some of her current research and development projects include the FAO-funded project on “Climate Risk Management and Disaster Preparedness in the Philippines for Agriculture and Fisheries” and an upscaling project funded by FAO-DIPECHO for “Enhancing Capacities for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture in Cambodia and the Philippines.” She is also co-investigator and gender consultant of a five-year Bicol Agri-Water Project funded by USAID, and Program Leader of the “Integrated R&D  Program for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management” funded by CHED.


Session 4C: Mainstreaming Climate Risk Management and Disaster Preparedness in Local Governance for Food Security



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About the Organizer


SEARCA is one of the 21 regional centers of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). Founded on 27 November 1966, SEARCA is mandated to strengthen institutional capacities in agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia through graduate education, short-term training, research and development, and knowledge management.

Contact Us

For further information and inquiries, please contact:

Acting Program Head
Research and Development
Department, SEARCA
Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines

Tel: +63 49 536-2287 loc 131