2nd International Conference on Agricultural and Rural Development in Southeast Asia

Strengthening Resilience, Equity and Integration in ASEAN Food and Agriculture Systems
12-13 November 2014 • Makati Shangri-La, Manila, Philippines

Dr. Maripaz L. Perez

perezRegional Director for Asia and Country Manager for the Philippines


Maripaz L. Perez is the Regional Director for Asia and Country Manager for the Philippines of WorldFish. She  has a post-doctorate in Research Priority Setting earned from the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in 1990. She graduated from the University of the Philippines in Los  Baños, Laguna, Philippines in 1977 with a BSc in Agriculture, majoring in Agricultural Economics. She completed her graduate education in the same university, finishing her masters in  Agricultural Marketing in 1985 and her doctorate on Agricultural Economics in 1988. She has parlayed this educational preparation into a career spanning 35 years both in Philippine  government service and since 2006, in WorldFish. Prior to joining WorldFish, Dr. Perez led the Small Enterprise Technology Upgrading Program (SET-UP) as Undersecretary for Regional  Operations of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). As the first Country Manager for the WorldFish Philippine Country Office (PCO), she has built the team from an original  staff complement of five, to what it is now at 33. Under her leadership, the team completed the USAID-funded project “From Reef to Ridge: An Ecosystem Based Approach to Biodiversity  Conservation and Development in the Philippines” and the “Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability Assessment, Economic and Policy Analysis of Adaptation Strategies in Selected Coastal  Areas in Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam,” among others. Currently, she leads the PCO research team in the implementation of the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural  Systems (CRP AAS) that covers seven pilot communities in the VisMin Hub. 


Session 1B: The Strategic Framework for AAS in the Philippines


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About the Organizer


SEARCA is one of the 21 regional centers of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). Founded on 27 November 1966, SEARCA is mandated to strengthen institutional capacities in agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia through graduate education, short-term training, research and development, and knowledge management.

Contact Us

For further information and inquiries, please contact:

Acting Program Head
Research and Development
Department, SEARCA
Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines

Tel: +63 49 536-2287 loc 131