2nd International Conference on Agricultural and Rural Development in Southeast Asia

Strengthening Resilience, Equity and Integration in ASEAN Food and Agriculture Systems
12-13 November 2014 • Makati Shangri-La, Manila, Philippines

Cong. Rico B. Geron

geronAgricultural Sector Alliance of the Philippines, Inc.
(AGAP) Party List


Rico B. Geron is the Chief Executive Officer of the Sorosoro Ibaba Development Cooperative (SIDC), Sorosoro Ibaba, Batangas City and the Agricultural Sector Alliance of the Philippines (AGAP) Partylist Representative in the 16th Philippine Congress. He held various positions in SIDC prior to his becoming its CEO. He currently also serves, in various capacities, different organizations focused on cooperatives, corn, feedmills, and hog growing, and is a favored resource person on these and related topics. He has various Committee Memberships in the House of Representatives, including Millennium Development Goals, Agrarian Reform, Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources, Cooperatives Development, and Food Security. Rep. Geron earned his Master in Entrepreneurship for Social Development from the Asian Institute of Management 2003. He has a BS Customs Administration from Lyceum of Batangas in 1986 and was the school’s Achievement Awardee in 2007.


Session 5A: How Ready are the Philippine Agricultural Cooperatives for the ASEAN Economic Community?

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About the Organizer


SEARCA is one of the 21 regional centers of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). Founded on 27 November 1966, SEARCA is mandated to strengthen institutional capacities in agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia through graduate education, short-term training, research and development, and knowledge management.

Contact Us

For further information and inquiries, please contact:

Acting Program Head
Research and Development
Department, SEARCA
Los Baños, Laguna 4031 Philippines

Tel: +63 49 536-2287 loc 131